Friday, January 15, 2010

Wings Of Love In This Lifetime And The Next

All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Live in the moment of life's completeness and nurture enough confidence to be assured that you are fitting into the perfect plan that God has for your own individual life.

Loving God, self, and others gives you wings of love that set you free to really love your life and soar on high with eagle's wings ~ keen of sight and wisdom. May your capacity be enlarged to receive the many gifts that God has for you in this lifetime and the next!

For my daughter-in-law, Tracy, on January 10, 2010

~~~~~~~ ><> Hawaii <>< ~~~~~~~

Make A Wish And Say A Prayer

My granddaughter, Abbie, was diagnosed with leukemia on March 9, 2007. She had a rough eighteen months. She completed her treatment and her port was removed on July 3, 2009, a day before the big celebration day with fireworks, the fourth of July.

This week her family was picked up in a limousine and flown to Hawaii, thanks to the Make A Wish Foundation, which granted Abbie's wish to go to Hawaii.

It is so awesome that they are able to do this for children who are fighting so bravely for their lives. It really gives them something to look forward to, keeps their spirits up, and gives them hope and motivation.

God richly bless the "Make A Wish Foundation" for making something so wonderful to really happen for these children and their families. May the Lord continually bless the many hands and hearts that so diligently work to restore health and wholeness to so many sick and suffering children.

May we be blessed with many cures and solutions to all of the diseases that are plaguing our world in 2010. Jesus, you are the Great Physician, and have the power to turn anything around, and make it better. We give you all the praise and glory! Amen ><> Found

The Darkness Of The Night

You are a child of the universe and have a right to be all that you can be. Reach for the stars and don't be discouraged by the dark shadows.

Without them, we would not see the glory of the Heavens
against the darkness of the night! ~ Found ~

Our Piece Of The Pie

There are animals that kill their young,
but humans are the only creatures that
seem to enjoy destroying themselves in
so many different ways.

Surely, there is a powerful force of
darkness driving us to insanity,
incarceration, and even death.

Broken homes and child abuse are
only the beginning of turning out
criminals, rapists, and murderers.

We lie, we cheat, we steal, commit
adultery, curse God, and more.
Lord, what is there that
we haven't done?

Greed, war, pride, prejudice,
abortion. We laugh in the
face of death and know that
we are really small and that
we really have no real power
or control.

We hide behind the delusion that
we are big and strong.
That we can live apart from God!

But like a candle burning,
the wick is getting shorter.
We think that we are invincible.
But we are part of the whole.

This human condition of separation
from God through sin. We are not
the first or the last. Others have
come before us. And now it is
our turn to make history, our
shot at the brass ring.

Time marches on and waits
for no one. Now is our moment
of decision to do the next right thing.

The Heavens await our impression
on the fraction of the whole that
is in our possession in this,
our moment of history.

~ Found ~


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

~ Unknown ~


Can we step back and catch our self in a lie and say,
"Wait a minute, I just told you a lie!"



I can forgive you in a heartbeat.
Why is it so hard to believe that
you can forgive me?

~ Found ~

Cape Cod Business Card

I love human beings as they are and
not necessarily as I want them to be!

~ Cape Cod Business Card ~

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don't Shoot The Wounded

Don't shoot the wounded. They need us more than ever. They need our love no matter what it is they've done. Sometimes we just condemn them, can't take time to hear their story. Don't shoot the wounded, someday you might be one.

It's easy to love the people who are standing hard and fast. Pressing to meet the higher calling, but the ones who might be struggling we tend to judge too harshly and refuse to try and catch them when they fall. We put people into boxes and we draw our hard conclusions, when they do the things we know they should not do. We sometimes write them off as helpless and we throw them to the dogs. Our compassion and forgiveness sometimes seem in short supply.

I say, "Don't shoot the wounded, they need us more than ever. They need our love no matter what it is they've done. Sometimes we just condemn them and don't take the time to hear their story. Don't shoot the wounded, someday you might be one.

We can love and forgive them when their sin does not exceed our own, for we too have been down bumpy roads before. But when they commit offenses, outside the boundaries we have set, we judge them, in a word we turn them out, we close the door. Myself, I've been forgiven for so many awful things. I've been cleansed and washed and bathed so many times that when I see a brother that has fallen from the way, I just can't find a license to convict him of his crime.

So I say, don't shoot the wounded they need us more than ever. They need our love no matter what it is they've done. Sometimes we just condemn them and don't take time to hear their story. Don't shoot the wounded someday you might be one.

That doesn't mean we turn our head when we see a brother sin and pretend that what he's doing is alright. But we must help him to see his error. We must lead him to repent. Cry with those who cry, but bring their deeds into the light. For it's the sick that need the doctor. It's the lame that need a crutch. It's the prodigal that needs the loving hand. For a man who's in despair, there should be kindness from his friends lest he should forsake the fear of Almighty God and turn away from God and man.

So I say, don't shoot the wounded they need us more than ever. They need our love no matter what it is they've done. Sometimes we just condemn them and don't take time to hear their story. Don't shoot the wounded someday you might be one!

~ Chuck Girard ~

My friend, Nora, lent me this tape to listen to when I'm driving. The words are very powerful, in truth, and I just had to share them with you! There is only one perfect, right? ><> Found <><

When The Night Is Dark

There are stars whose radiance is visible on earth,
though they have long been extinct.

There are people whose brilliance continues to light the world,
even though they are no longer amongst the living.

These lights are particularly bright when the night is dark.
They light the way for human kind. ><>

~ Hannah Senesh ~

Jesus is the light of the world and He wants more than anything
to live inside your heart and shower His love through you to others!

This is the mystery that has been hid from the ages:

~ Christ In You ~
The Hope Of Glory!

There are many beautiful posters and also a free calendar offered
at the website where I found this writing:

~ I am Found and Lost, no more! ~

Less Than A Grain Of Sand

Human beings are less than a grain of sand in comparison to the splendor of the Heavens. Jesus wants to hold us so close and never let us go. His heart breaks for those who turn aside, passing day after day without acknowledging who He is, and what He did to save us from hell and death ~ the enemy's prison for our souls.

Give God Jesus a chance and you will find Him to be the one true God. Only He can fill your deepest longing, a void inside that only He can satisfy. Imagine that He made humans, then He came to live in a body just like yours, taught us the way to live, and how to please the Father, died on a lonely cross, then actually rose again.

Satan thought he killed the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He mocked in victory and thought it was all over, finished! But Jesus rose and that's when he realized that all hope for him was gone.

God did not make hell for humans. It is for the one who is sheer evil, merciless, and total darkness, the father of lies. You are being held captive by the lies of the enemy, because you believe them to be true.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you! Resist the devil and he will flee from you! Life and love are a process. We are all a work in progress. This life is the challenge and the battlefield is the mind.

Satan wants to take you down, and Jesus wants to lift you up. Choose you this day, who you will serve, as for me, I will serve the Lord; the best decision I ever made.

The enemy took me down many times, but when the war is over, those who stand with Jesus will rise in victory; it is already ours! Listen to the still small voice of God, "Be still and know that I am God!" He came to set the captives free.

We need only trust and believe, repent, and do the next right thing!

Jesus raised me up out of my own personal hell, a place where the enemy thought that I was damned. But, my God is faithful to His Word. "I will never leave you or forsake you!" He is my song and my salvation; He has become my VICTORY! Amen ><>

~ Found ~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lost And Found

Am I here all alone? Oh, there you are Jesus ~
Seems you're my all time best Friend!

Goodnight ~ Found ~

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gift Of Love From Deep Within

Listen to the sound of silence and what others have to say. There is so much to learn and experience in every single moment of life. Even the dull and ignorant have their story to tell. Listen and you will be surprised at the the many secret truths you never could imagine.

Be silent, and listen, and absorb what the Spirit of God has to say with His still small voice. Prayer is you communicating with God, meditation is your listening to His response. Be opened minded about the answers you receive. God answers EVERY prayer!

Sometimes He says, "YES!" Sometimes He says, "NO!" Sometimes He says, "WAIT!" He really does know what is best for each and every one of us. He NEVER gives us more than we CAN handle. BUT, But, but ~ I've had to learn repeatedly that THERE ARE some things that aren't godly, or that I wasn't READY for, or that would never SATISFY the "GOD VACCUUM INSIDE OF ME."

I, ME, MYSELF, AND ~ I brought these THINGS into my life on my own and God didn't have ANYTHING to do with it. These are the things that caused heartache, pain, grief and shame. It's taken many years to really know that God will forgive and make a "FRESH START FOR ME EVERY DAY!"

It was all about me! "WHAT ABOUT ME?" "What About Me?" "what about me?" BUT, But, but ~ are you with me here? "IN THE MOMENT?" But, it doesn't have to continue to be "MY DOWNFALL ~ ALWAYS!"

"LOVE GOD FIRST", then "I CAN LOVE MYSELF", and then "I CAN LOVE OTHERS" in a "HEALTHY AND GODLY WAY" ~ BECAUSE ~ if I didn't "LOVE MYSELF FIRST" I could not really have "GENUINE LOVE FOR ANYONE ELSE." ~ AND ~ "If I don't "LOVE GOD FIRST" ~ I cannot be connected and filled up with "HIS HOLY SPIRIT" which "BLESSES ME WITH THE GIFT OF LOVE FROM DEEP WITHIN!"

"LIFE AND LOVE" take time and ARE a process. We are ALL "WORKS IN PROGRESS" in the "SCHOOL OF LIFE" to make us fit to be in the "PRESENCE OF A GLORIOUS GOD!" Thank you, FATHER GOD, for sending YOUR SON, "JESUS CHRIST", to build the PERFECT BRIDGE for us to get to your KINGDOM. FATHER GOD, through the power of YOUR HOLY SPIRIT ~ EMPTY ME OF "ALL DARKNESS" and FILL ME WITH "YOUR PURE AND HOLY LIGHT", the "SPIRIT OF GOD" ~ "YOUR HOLY SPIRIT!"

Love you so much my little children who trust me and believe! ~ Father God, God Jesus, and the Holy Spirit of God! We three are ONE! Amen ><>

Jesus found me, one little sheep that got lost along the way! Found and Born Again! Found <><

Those who worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in truth!

"If you have seen me you have seen the Father!" ~ Jesus

"Ye must be born again!" ~ Jesus

"Is there any other name more beautiful than "God" or "Jesus Christ" in all the universe?"

Monday, January 11, 2010

I Love Kids

Remember there is one in each of us, innocent
And unadulterated by the stain of sin!

If you can talk, then you can sing.
If you can walk, then you can dance.
If you can't sing, then you can hum.
If you can't dance, then you can dance,
Just the same!

Let the river flow and join in the animation of life!
Don't strive to stop the river.
It will break through with or without you.
Life is stronger than death and love is stronger than hate.
Jesus is stronger than us.
But, His strength is perfected through our weaknesses.

This life is a miracle and so are you!
You are loved beyond measure!

I'm so glad you found my blog.
please come back again to visit!

~~~~ Found Forever ><>

Loving God, Self, And Others

All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes. Live in the moment of lives completeness and nurture enough confidence to be assured that you are fitting into the perfect plan that God has for you, alone.

Loving God, self, and others gives you wings of flight to set you free so you can soar on high with eagle's wings, keen of sight and wisdom. May your capacity be enlarged to receive the many blessings that God has for you in this life and the next! Love your life today, there really is no other way to truly live. God made us that way, you know?

~ Found ~

I Love Me Is...

I love me...
Is being thankful for the way that God made me
And for this tent of flesh that I live in
No matter where I go, there I am...

~ Found ~

I Cried Out To The Lord In 1977

A whole new year lies before me. What is in my heart? Where will I go from here? I can't turn back and start believing those lies again. I am getting better and better in every way, just for today! I have to find a way to live just for today...

The past is over and I am powerless to change a lot of things that happened in my life. But, I cannot play God, anymore. Surely, it is a delusion to think that I have any real control of this life I live. Even my very breath is given through the grace of God.

But, my will is strong and hard to be broken. My being longs for a right relationship with God. My thoughts cling to the cross of Christ in this place where I so often isolate and feel the pain of lonliness.

Please, Dear God, fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me the grace to stay close to Jesus and follow His teachings. God, I cried out to you so many years ago. "God, if you are there, I need to hear from you, because if you're not, I have nothing to live for."

And you spoke to me and said, "Call Mrs. Guilds." And, I didn't think that I would, but I did, and she lead me to your Son, Jesus Christ. I was so ready and had little, no, no resistance.

I never imagined all that He was. I didn't have a clue, but I knew in an instant that He was ALL that I'd been searching for all of my life.

I am so sorry Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus that I sinned against all three of you in so many ways. God, I thought I was favored and didn't need to change anything. After you touched me so deep within, I ran off on a pink cloud with no thought of the depths that I would wallow in.

You took away my sins and made my soul to shine and I experienced the indwelling of your sweet Holy Spirit. Truly, I was born again! But, my words, and actions, and choices led me astray, until darkness consumed me, and despair and depression set in.

All I wanted was to share my Jesus, and all that He had done for me, with everyone I could. But anything that I'd been doing wrong before I met Jesus was multiplied many times over, and over again.

I became so empty, Lord, so full of guilt and shame. The lonliness was so hard, the darkness so painful and scary. Lord, I don't know my way back to you. Lord, please don't judge me too harshly, against thee only have I sinned, but I caused pain and injury to others.

Lord, I am not as innocent as I think I am. I am so ashamed of my past conduct. Apart from you, I am nothing. I know that you alone are pure and holy. You alone weigh the hearts. I place mine in your hands, because I need you in my life if I am to change. I cannot find my way back home without you! Amen

Now, I am Found! Thank you, Jesus, for finding me and bringing me back to the heart of the Father, once again! I can finally love God, self, and others! I am so blessed in 2010.

Happy New Year to everyone! Found

God Jesus,

Please turn my shoulds into coulds! Amen...

Be A Rainbow!

People will forget what you did.
People will forget what you said.

But, people will never forget
how you made them feel.

Be a rainbow in someone
else's cloud today!

~ Unknown author ~


Turn your will and your life over to the care of God, and if you don't know how to do that, ask Him to show you the way! One day at a time works best. We need to be grounded in our place in time and history. We are here! Right in this moment, you are reading this.

Live in the moment. If you can't, try lying down and think over and over, "Be still and know that I am God!" Prayer is our talking to God and meditation is our listening to God. He is there; He really is and you are His delight, His love, His masterpiece, His!

~ Found ~

Just Explode

Did you ever get so much out of life
That you could just explode?
I'll tell you about it another time!


What Is Reality?

Reality is overrated!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Free ~ Thank God Almighty! Free at Last!

If the Son therefore shall make you free,
You shall be free indeed! ><> ><>

~~~ John 8:36 ~~~~ ><>

Our Deepest Fear!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.

It is not just in some, it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. ~ Marianne Williamson

(I found this at an Adult Children of Alcoholics /ACOA meeting)

Don't Worry ><> Be Happy

If it makes you happy, to be unhappy, then be unhappy! <><

But I will nurture all goods things in my life, ><>

Just for today! ><> One Day at A Time! ><>

How Strong Are You?

You never know how strong you are until ~~~
<>< ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ Being strong is the only choice you have!! ~~~ <>< ~~~~~~~
We forge ahead into 2010 fully assured that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~><>
The only ass behind us is our own!! ~~~~ ~~~~><>

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<><

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper, and
Be in health, even as your soul prospers! III John II

~~~~~~~~~~~~><> ~~~ <>< ~~~~~~~~~~~~

I love Quotes, Slogans, The Bible, Reading, And Writing

It isn't ADHD ....... It's random tasking!

Get used to it! ><>

Isn't It Ironic?

We ignore the ones who adore us,
Adore the ones that ignore us, ~~~~~~
Love the ones that hurt us, <>< ~~~
And hurt the ones that love us? ~~ ~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <><
~~~ Unknown author ><> ~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ><>

Freedom Of Speech

Freedom of speech is still in America, right? Or is it just online? Come on, let's say it like it is. It is what it is! People get razzzzzelled at what I have to write, say, do, or act like. I'm unique, God made me that way and I like being me, finally!

I used to think that I was so messed up, then I learned the really hard way, that I'm not half bad. But there are so many messed up people out there!

I've been searching for so much more, which is not a bad thing. But I had it all along just like the tin man, scarecrow, and the lion! We are not in Kansas, anymore, true. No, it is way better! We are online, finally!

Spread the Word! ><>

The Lamb Of God

Christ is the Lamb of God.
The shadow of the Father.
The very essence of God in a man.
All the divinity of holiness,
Transformed into human flesh.
Sent to earth for one sole purpose,
To reconcile man to God. ><>

Jesus gave me the inspiration to
write this when I became a
Christian in 1977.

For Those Who Know Not God

I am the great Redeemer and I've traveled many lands. I search the hearts and break the wills of those who know not God. I am the First, I am the Last, and I will not be compromised. I am the God who came to die to set the captives free. I loved my own, they loved me not, my heart was lonely , too. It breaks my heart to see you live so far away from God.

I know the pain of brokenness, I died upon a tree. My heart's desire is to hold you close and never let you go. Please open up your heart to me and I will come inside. Do not quench the fire of my love that shines for only you. I came to earth to lead the way to God's own second birth. You must be born again into the family of God.

Those who find me holy, find me wholly true. I have come to change your heart to flesh, from iron stone. Those I circumcise this way are one with God. He sent me here to make things right and I can never die. They pierced my flesh upon a cross, they thought that I had died. But they were wrong, my Father's hand is not too short to save. The victory was realized when from the tomb I rose. My arms are open wide to those who trust me and believe.

I came to earth to teach my ways and turn your hearts to God. Come home, my weary ~ lonely one, I suffered all the way. I built a bridge so you can know the loving heart of God. We're waiting here in Heaven and we cannot let you go. When you are sad or tears fall fast just raise your head and know, that we are here applauding you to do the next right thing. You can accomplish anything through Jesus Christ, your King.

Do not quench the Spirit of the holiness of God. Open up your heart and He will come to live inside. I am the great Redeemer and I've traveled many lands. I search the hearts and break the wills of those who know not God. I am the First, I am the Last and I will not be compromised. I am the God who came to die to set the captives free. I loved my own, they loved me not, my heart was lonely, too. It breaks my heart to see you live so far away from God. I know the pain of brokenness, I died upon a tree. My heart's desire is to hold you close and never let you go. ><> Father, Son, and Holy Spirit ~ Amen

God breathed this through me last week!
Lord, my heart is open wide to you.
I seek more of you, more of you.
What is full of darkness, empty.
What is empty, fill with your
Eternal light to share with others.
In the loving heart of Jesus, I am Found!

His Strength Is Manifested In Our Weaknesses

We can take so much for granted. We need to nurture an attitude of gratitude for our very breath. "I am the strength of the sparrow, I AM the great I Am." The seed you plant will become a tree. The Spirit of God animates and gives life. He cares for each sparrow that falls to the ground, and so much more He cares for you and me!

I was on my way to pick up Jennifer to bring her with me to a twelve step meeting. On the way, I hummed a little tune and words came to my mind. "I am the strength of the sparrow; I AM the great I AM." But no, God is stronger than a sparrow, I pondered. And within seconds on the right I read a street sign which read Sparrowbush Street!

Then I realized that my Higher Power had it right, "I am the strength of the sparrow; I AM the great I AM." Without the animating power of the Spirit of God in that little sparrow, there would be no life, no existence, no song, no flight.

So it is for us. We live, and move, and have our being because of the creative and animating Spirit of God! ><>